The 7th Central Pay Commission (7th CPC), implemented in 2016, revolutionized the salary structure for Indian government employees. To simplify complex calculations, the 7th Pay Commission Calculator emerged as an essential tool. This article explains how the calculator works, its components, and its benefits.

7th Pay Commission Calculator

7th Pay Commission Calculator


Component Amount (₹)

8th Pay Commission Calculator

HRA City Classification

City CategoryHRA RatePopulation CriteriaExamples of Cities
X24%Over 50 lakh (5 million)Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Pune*
Y16%5–50 lakh (0.5–5 million)Jaipur, Lucknow, Nagpur, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Thiruvananthapuram, Bhopal
Z8%Below 5 lakh (500,000)Shimla, Gangtok, Puducherry**, small towns, rural areas

Notes & Clarifications

  1. Pune*: Initially classified under Category Y but upgraded to X post-2011 due to revised population data.
  2. Puducherry: While the city itself may fall under Z, its urban agglomeration could qualify for Y.
  3. Special Cases:
    • State Capitals: Some capitals (e.g., Chandigarh, Shimla) fall under Y/Z despite administrative importance.
    • DA-Linked HRA Revisions:
      • When DA crosses 25%, HRA becomes 27% (X), 18% (Y), 9% (Z).
      • When DA crosses 50%, HRA becomes 30% (X), 20% (Y), 10% (Z).

City Classification and Pay Levels

The 7th CPC categorizes TA into two tiers based on the employee’s pay level and location:

Employee CategoryCity TypeTA Rate (Monthly)
Employees in Higher Pay LevelsMetro Cities (X category)₹7,200 + DA*
(Level 9 and above)Non-Metro Cities₹3,600 + DA*
Employees in Lower Pay LevelsMetro Cities (X category)₹3,600 + DA*
(Below Level 9)Non-Metro Cities₹1,800 + DA*
Differently-abled EmployeesAll LocationsDouble the applicable rate (e.g., ₹7,200 becomes ₹14,400)


  • DA (Dearness Allowance): TA is revised when DA crosses 25%, 50%, etc. For example, if DA is 42%, TA = ₹7,200 + 42% of ₹7,200 = ₹10,224.
  • Metro Cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, and Pune.

Special Cases and Exemptions

  1. Differently-abled Employees:
    • Receive double the standard TA rate to account for additional commuting challenges.
    • Exempt from income tax up to ₹1,600/month under Section 10(14) of the Income Tax Act.
  2. Employees in Remote Areas:
    • May receive higher TA rates as per departmental guidelines.
  3. Employees Provided Official Transport:
    • Not eligible for TA if free transportation is provided by the government.

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